Jan Finjord writes:
> Hello,
> On Nov. 21 I sent an email to you concerning a fortran program
> which runs OK if the fort77/f2c compiler is used, but which
> crashes (segfault) if g77 is used. The particular code used in
> the program was a random number generator taken from "Numerical
> Recipes" by Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling and Flannery, a standard
> reference text for numerical calculations. The program calling
> the routine is very simple.
> Was this email received by you? I haven't received any confirm-
> ation about it. Please tell if you have received it and what is
> happening to it. I may not have used a standard way of reporting
> the error, but if that is the case, I expect you will inform me.

you didn't file a bug report ;-) see reportbug(1) in the reportbug
package. A useful thing you can do is trying to reproduce the
behaviour with a more recent compiler like g77-3.0, g77-3.2 and
gcc-snapshot (the latter two only in the unstable distribution) and
see if it's already fixed.


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