On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 10:16:35AM +0100, Gerhard Wesp wrote:
> Package: g++-3.2
> Version: 3.2.2 20021212 (Debian prerelease)
> Note that this problem most likely is present in other g++ versions, and
> also, in similar forms, in other gcc languages.
> It was discussed in comp.lang.c++.moderated, cf.
> news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and the followup postings.
> Posters suggested it might be a bug in the implementation of
> -ffloat-store and/or related to floating point expressions evaluated at
> compile-time and at runtime with different precisions.
> Mathematically, a >= b implies ka >= kb for k >= 0.  While I'm well
> aware that not all properties of the reals carry over to floating point
> arithmetic, I certainly would expect this *particular* implication to
> carry over.  However, g++ -O3 thinks otherwise.

> My first guess was that this has something to do with internal usage of
> 80 bit floating point values, but this doesn't go well with observation
> 4).

I don't _think_ this is a bug, but my floating point fu is fairly weak.

> #include <cassert>
> #if 1
>   template< typename T > inline void bound( T     & x , T      const& u
> ) {
> #else
>                          inline void bound( double& x , double const& u
> ) {
> #endif
>   assert( 1. <= u ) ;            // (1)
>   if( x < 1. ) { x = 1. ; }      // (2)
>   if( x > u  ) { x = u  ; }
> }

At whatever particular flags work or not, I bet this is complex enough
to cause or not cause the value to be computed at run time.  Roughly.

> int main() {
>   const double u = 2.1 ;

2.1 can not be represented precisely in IEEE FP, of course.

>   double x = 3 ;
>   bound( x , u ) ;
>   assert( u >= x ) ;
>   assert( 2.5*u >= 2.5*x ) ;  // fails!!!

The compiler is certainly allowed to compute 2.5*u at compile time.  It
does so using an extremely high precision real library, if I recall
correctly.  This could be a bug in that library but it's more likely
that the result is a more accurate answer to one bit or thereabouts.

Use a debugger/disassembler?  Tell us what the numbers actually _are_?

Daniel Jacobowitz
MontaVista Software                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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