tag 180266 +unreproducible +moreinfo

> You can't compile any C or C++ programs because the CPP is going
> to dump some memory (or whatnot) beginning at EOF.
> Suggestion: Maybe you guys should be doing a make check before packing
> those binaries up.

Suggestion: Maybe you should check how the package is built before
filing a bug like this?

bash-2.05b$ uname -a
Linux aragorn 2.4.18 #4 Sat Oct 12 23:34:24 PDT 2002 i686 unknown unknown 
bash-2.05b$ dpkg -l|grep gcc-3.2
ii  gcc-3.2        3.2.2-1        The GNU C compiler
ii  gcc-3.2-base   3.2.2-1        The GNU Compiler Collection (base package)
bash-2.05b$ cd /usr/share/doc/gcc-3.2
bash-2.05b$ zcat test-summary.gz 
Results for 3.2.2 testsuite on i386-pc-linux-gnu
Native configuration is i386-pc-linux-gnu

                === gcc Summary ===

# of expected passes            18661
# of expected failures          68
# of unsupported tests          43
/home/rmurray/debian/gcc-3.2-3.2.2ds8/build/gcc/xgcc version 3.2.2

All gcc packages run through make check during the build process. I've
built quite a lot of stuff with this new gcc already, maybe your problem
is elsewhere? (xfs comes to mind...)

or if you still think this is a gcc problem, at least post a test


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