So. Having run into this in a few package building sessions recently, I
figure I should do something about fixing the following:

gcc -o -lm -lc <.o files>
objdump -x | grep NEEDED

Note that the libm piece of this may be something else, but the libc
portion is definitely present, and problematic. Note also the lack of
NEEDED section for libgcc.

The culprit seems to be the following (from src/gcc/config/netbsd.h):

/* Provide a LIB_SPEC appropriate for NetBSD.  Just select the appropriate
   libc, depending on whether we're doing profiling; if `-posix' is specified,
   link against the appropriate libposix first.  Don't include libc when
   linking a shared library.  */

#undef LIB_SPEC
#define LIB_SPEC                \
  "%{posix:                     \
     %{!p:                      \
       %{!pg:-lposix}}          \
     %{p:-lposix_p}             \
     %{pg:-lposix_p}}           \
   %{!shared:                   \
     %{!symbolic:               \
       %{!p:                    \
         %{!pg:-lc}}            \
       %{p:-lc_p}               \

/* Provide a LIBGCC_SPEC appropriate for NetBSD.  We also want to exclude
   libgcc with -symbolic.  */

#define LIBGCC_SPEC "%{!shared:%{!symbolic: -lgcc}}"

Note that libposix is still a concern, and so the semantics of handling
it should be preserved (libposix on NetBSD provides POSIX-compliant
versions of certain libc functions that are not, in their native form,

Because I only grasp the general meaning of the above, and REALLY would
prefer not to screw this up, can someone help me with a more Debian-ish
section to go into netbsd-gnu.h (which is then selected from config.gcc).

Once I have it, I'll generate a new, shiny, sane-for-upstream patch to
replace the netbsd-gcc-config.dpatch and netbsd-dynlinker.dpatch.

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