[Please CC, I'm not subscribed]
Hello gcc team,

One of my packages fails to build on m68k due to excessive memory use by
g++(~373mb) and thus has RC-bug 207578.  This occurs on all archs, but
m68k is the only arch without the memory to handle it.  I recently
discovered[0] that the g++ in gcc-snapshot uses only a fraction of the
memory on x86 and thus assume that the same is true on m68k.  I would
very much like to close this bug and get the current version in unstable
into testing.

To do this, I could either wait for gcc-3.4 to enter unstable, or just
create a binary on m68k with gcc-snapsot.  Note that the package has
almost no hope of actually being run on m68k since it requires a
3d-accelerated video card.  Thus I don't see any harm in using
gcc-snapshot just on that arch.  However, if a new gcc release is in the
near future, I wouldn't mind waiting just a little bit longer for that.

So, do you have any general idea of the upcoming release schedule?  If
its not 'soon', would be it okay to go ahead and use gcc-snapshot to
build a package on that arch?  Or do you have any other
thoughts/suggestions of what I could do?


[0] thanks to Steinar Gunderson
1024D/124B26F3 5B9F 587F BC5C D823 50CE  4DB0 ED93 CA29 124B 26F3

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