Cosimo Alfarano writes:
> [Please CC me, I'm not subscribed to debian-gcc]
> Hi,
>  I'm talking about bug #249976 of libtorch3-dev package.
> Is it correct to fix in that way the deps of my package?
> I thought libstdc++5-dev depends on the default gcc/g++ version in
> Debian, something similar to gcc thats depends on gcc-3.3, but it
> depends on 3.2 and libstdc++-3.3-dev on g++3.3.
> Don't you find it counterintuitive?


> Finally, I think I should change deps using libstdc++-3.3-dev, shoudn't
> I?

it's not necessary to depend on a libstdc++-dev package. The
build-essentials depend on g++, which depends on g++-3.3, which
depends on libstdc++5-3.3-dev.


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