On Tuesday, July 20, 2004 at 07:03, Matthias Klose wrote:
> > 
> > Typing 'info gcc' shows you the gccint-3.3 info page instead
> > of the gcc-3.3 one. I think it is much more common to browse
> > the non-internal GCC documentation so that should probably
> > be the default. If possible, that is. I don't know where this
> > is controlled.
> unreproducible. comes up with the correct page. what version is gcc-doc?

Actually I just upgraded to gcc-3.4-doc, and it doesn't happen
with that package. But it happens on every system with
gcc-3.3-doc that I've tried:

gcc-3.3{,-base,-doc} 3.3.4-1
gcc-3.3-doc 1:3.3.4-3

In other words, it still happens on a computer with gcc-3.3-doc



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