Sub: -  A final Break- through Cure for AIDS, Addiction & Cancer by 
REJUVENATION of Defence Mechanism.Repair & Re-growth of Organs by 
Regeneration of Adult STEM CELL.
Dear Sir, 
        Please Log On to our new website ""; to know 
the latest Innovation in Medical Science. How our newly 
developed "Cocktail of Medicine" cures all major dreaded diseases like 
Addiction, Asthma, Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Coma, Cardiac & Kidney 
problems without surgery, Depression, Down's Syndrome, HIV, Infertility, 
Mental including CNS problems, Obesity, Old-Age, Parkinson, Tuberculosis, 
Stroke, Witchcrafts etc.on outdoor basis, without trouble within two to 
three months, without any Relapse & Requiring no Rehabilitations. Even 
after- effects of Nuclear Biological and Chemical war fares could now be 
cured easily.
        These all Wonderful Miracles have been achieved by Regeneration of 
all Cells (260) including Lymphocytes (CD4) along with Adult STEM Cell in 
Bone Marrow. Proper & Healthy distribution of OXYGEN in whole body plays 
major   role. The First Injection regenerates all circulatory -
Respiratory - Digestive - Urinary and Reproductive systems within a day 
providing complete relief from all miseries. Our patient sleeps well, eats 
well, feels well and walks well since very first day.
        As per my Clinical Five Decades Experience, I can happily say that 
most of my cases are getting new Lease of Life for Thirty to Forty years 
after our treatment. Thus I can say that a Living Deadman can get 
        Glucose & Blood Transfusion (Blood Bank), E.C.T., and major 
Surgery are not needed at all now. There is no need for CLONING as most of 
the Organs could easily be repaired as more than Original One.
        "Talk to your Baby before Birth" & "Flying out of Body - 
Returned". These two Quotations will throw ample light about my   success 
story in Medical Science. Forget the Research work on Genes & Follow the 
Research of CELL.
        A day is not far when the whole Medical Community will have to 
follow the path created by me, if human being wants to see the world 
Disease-free and healthy and prosper.
*Special Note—
        The World Medical Experts have accepted that Embryonic STEM cells 
are Generic cells, which can create various Tissues and Organs that makes-
up the human life.
‘Dr.Catherine M. Veraillie’ and her colleagues at ‘University of 
Minnesota’ have also confirmed after having experiments on mice that ADULT 
STEM CELLS which could be Regenerated through BONE MARROW, are equally 
important in creating the cells of Heart, Muscles, Brain, Liver, Skin, 
Kidney and to repair other different Organs.
        The Bone Marrow has long been identified as a source of STEM cells 
that continually replenish the Red and White Cells of the Blood which can 
also form Cartilage, Muscles and Tendons.
        These STEM cells can reverse the Degenerative diseases and make 
them healthy. Even the aging process of cell could also be reversed.
        Thus my above claim stands confirmed by this latest theory that 
whatever I have clinically found WONDERFUL MIRACLES within my last five 
decades experience is TRUE.
I appeal the World community to adopt and follow this new method to save 
the MILLIONS of sufferers throughout the GLOBE.
Respected Dr Jong-wook Lee,
        The same incidence has happened once again. It is ill luck of the 
human being that my project has not been coming out due to 
misunderstanding from our Indian side.
        It is a well-known fact that Dr. Hiroshi Nakazima, Prof. Luc 
Montagnier and Dr. Gro Harlen Brundtland had been misguided and were not 
allowed to meet me personally and yet again the same thing has happened 
with yourself.
        Again it is well known that there was no prior programme of your 
visit in India and simply to release a report on T.B is not sufficient 
function equivalent to your stature and that too was released by Indian 
Premier on 24 March 04. Thus I presume and it is clear that you have also 
visited India to contact me personally.
        I am fully aware that WHO is an Inter-Governmental agency but 
whole burden of health problem lies upon WHO which you yourself cannot 
        We are passing in a crucial stage where there is no solution of  
Fever, Cold and Pain, leave the question of HIV,Brain,Heart, Kidney and 
many health-hazard problems.
        It is the right time and it is the duty of WHO to act quickly and 
promptly so that the shining rays of health may spread throughout the 
Globe under your Noble guidance
Date-28 March 04
Message for World Health Day 
Respected Dr. Jong-Wook Lee,
        His Excellency Mr. Pope John Paul II, Mr. Christopher Reeve 
(Hollywood Actor), Prof. Stephen Hawking (Physicist) and former U.S. 
President Mr. Ronald Reagon are few personalities who are critically ill 
since very long but our so called very advanced medical science has failed 
to provide a bit relief to them as our Science treat only on symptoms that 
too under Anti-biotics, Anti-dotes and Tranquilizers which only suppress 
the disease and spread more side effects. Thus we say, “We Treat-God 
        Today is a WHO Day. I can say that I can treat and cure all these 
fellow friends even without seeing or checking them personally and 
physically within a period of two to three months. After that no medicine 
will be needed and if God blessed them, they could lead a happy and 
healthy life for about thirty to forty years more. Hence I can say that 
the man can lead a life upto 120 to 150 years of age. Our method is 
Ambulatory, trouble-free, economic, no relapse and even un-trained man can 
carry out.
        Previously, I have quoted two things, (1) Talk to your baby before 
Birth and  (2) Flying out of Body Returned. It means that Birth and Death 
is under the control of Scientist. Today I quote two more, “Once an Addict-
Today’s Healthy. Addiction is mother of Cancer and AIDS.”
        Dr. Catherine M. Veraillie, University of Minnesota has proved 
that ADULT STEM CELL are as generic as Embryonic Stem Cell that can Repair 
and Regrow any organ of the body. In her method ADULT STEM CELL should 
have to grow in laboratory and will require Transplanting in body whereas 
in my method, Surgery is not at all needed. Thus the Abortion and 
Rejection is nowhere in picture. This again I call the EIGHTH WONDERS of 
        Now it is upto WHO to come forward boldly and use my method widely 
so that WHO could fulfil its Slogan HEALTH for ALL.
With best wishes and many thanks.
7th April, 2004.
Respected Dr. Jong Wook Lee,
(DG., WHO, Geneva.)
        Sub:- Regeneration of Three hundred cells including ADULT STEM 
        World Top leaders like US President Mr. George W. Bush, Mr. Pope 
John Paul II along with the Catholic Christian & Muslim community leaders 
are opposing the Research for Embryonic Stem Cells as they feel it 
illegal, immoral, unethical and unnecessary.
        These are the reasons that Minnesota University Prof. Dr. 
Catherine M. Veraillie, MD has given a new direction and proved that Adult 
Stem Cells Research is more important than all. Taking one step forward, 
Prof. Wilfgang Lillge, MD.has concluded that “WHOEVER WOULD CURE MUST BE 
        The Adult Stem Cells are to be extracted from the Bone Marrow, 
Culture them in Laboratory and then Transplant them in the Human. This all 
process requires lengthy time and more funds. Moreover it can’t be carried 
out for general mass. It means, majority of patients will be left out from 
this benefit.
        Thus Dr. Dianne N. Irving, PhD. has finally concluded that ‘Human 
Embryo experiments are unacceptable.’ Under all such circumstances, it has 
become clear that Cloning is also not needed as every Organ could easily 
be Repair & Regrow in Human body. Moreover, the Infertile couple could get 
easily their Child.
        Under the prevailing system, the WHO could save 50% funds & 50% 
Human from dying of Malaria, HIV & Tuberculosis by making a little 
addition to the present prescription.
        Thus Adult Stem Cells has established its importance in medical 
field but in my opinion, still it is incomplete till the Regeneration of 
all the different Cells (260 to 300) is achieved. This Regeneration of all 
such Cells could root out all the aliments form Human and make the man 
perfect Healthy.
        I have said that Surgery will be not be needed mostly, it means 
that Heart, Kidney, Brain, Liver and all other important organ could be 
made Healthy removing different Ailments. Oxygen is naturally raised in 
body and the Sports and Athletes could also be made Healthy without 
surgery. Thus I can say that OLDAGE is no problem and Human can live upto 
120 to 150 years Easily and Healthy.
        These all have been achieved by me within last FIVE DECADES and 
without any financial help from any side. I presume, present Experts 
couldn’t achieve such Success as they think that their Research should be 
very costly and wants to follow only the footsteps of others. Nobody wants 
to take risk to adopt a new method to find Excellent results. Hence, 
whatever I have achieved today will take others to receive even Centuries 
        I want to add one more name of football legend Mr. Diego Maradona. 
His problems are mainly based on addiction for which I am only the 
Headmaster in the globe to fully cure him if he himself desires so.
        Please come forward to help me in accepting my Research by Whole 
World otherwise the poor will feel let down on their part that they 
couldn’t get whatever is available on earth.
        Hope the coming generation will feel Healthy by getting the 
advantage of this Noble project.
Thanking you and wishing you Happy and Healthy life.

16th May, 2004.
Respected Dr. Jong Wook Lee,
(DG, WHO, Geneva),
The two-time US 40th President (1981 to 1989) Mr. Ronald W. Reagan, 93, 
breathed his last on Saturday night at his Los Angeles residence. He was 
suffering from Alzheimer’s (a degenerated) disease for more than a decade. 
His wife Mrs. Nancy Reagan has even written a letter to present US 
president Mr. George W. Bush to help in finding a cure for Alzheimer’s 
disease through STEM CELLS Research but all remained failed. I also feel 
Sad and Shocked.
        Even I have tried my best to approach him to get rid-off 
Alzheimer’s disease but my voice remained unheard as no one is believing 
that a brown citizen of underdeveloped country could find a permanent cure 
for many complicated health problems. In my letter dated 7.4.2004 
addressed to your honor on World Health Day, my voice failed to reach him 
and lastly we all has lost a gentleman, In this above letter, I referred 
three more names, Mr. Pope John Paul II, Mr. Christopher Reeve and Prof. 
Stephen Hawkins along with the name of Mr. Diego Maradona in my another 
letter dated 16.5.2004. If they all desire and suitable arrangement could 
be made, I am ready to provide them fully cure from their different major 
ailments permanently without any problem.
        The Technology developed by Minnesota University Prof. Dr. 
Catherine M. Veraillie for Human Adult Stem Cell is better than Embryonic 
Stem Cells, But this latest method has also not found suitable for the 
Treatment for General Mass, We have to separate Stem Cells from Bone 
Marrow, develop them into an Organ in a highly developed laboratory and 
transplant in human body. These all need ample time and more and more 
funds which general public could not afford. Hence this method could be 
useful only one in a Lac population. Thus we need a simple method by which 
most of the patients could get benefit and that must be trouble free & be 
carried out on OUTDOOR basis. This is only my method which all provide 
these facilities.
        As I presume, Dr. Catherine method can produce an Organ that will 
be available at Chemist Shop. Go; purchase it and get it used in your body 
under Expert Surgeon. The chances of Rejection are always there.
Take the example of Mr. Reagan, His brain Cells have been replaced by 
Adult Stem Cells and that they are working there but Circulation system 
will be needed to a vast changed position which is not possible under 
present Circumstances. Thus the patient will not get a long & healthy life.
Once former US President Mr. Bill Clinton announced in a World AIDS 
Conference at Geneva that we will get Vaccine for HIV within Ten Years. 
Now again, Dr. Jason Gill from Australia has predicted that the problems 
related to Human immune System such as HIV/AIDS, we have to wait for at 
least Ten more Years. A Nobel Laureate Prof. Paul Nurse from UK recently 
predicted that it would take Twenty years to find a treatment for a few 
type of Cancers.
In my five-decade clinical life, I have treated 6000 Drug-Addicts without 
using the method of Maintenance and Replacement therapy by Breaking the 
Tolerance Power. I have also treated 8000 different types of cancer 
patients without using Radiation and Chemotherapy. Surgery is very danger 
here. Even Biopsy should be avoided. I have treated Infertility cases 
without using Harmon Therapy. Even Antidotes are not much useful in 
treating different Chronic diseases. Most of the medicines available at 
chemist shop, have their own side effects due to Toxicity. The patient’s 
own body produces different medicines, which could only cure him due to 
Non Toxicity.
Such is the position of my Research, which could lead the World healthy 
and prosperous life. Otherwise the future of our present Medical Science 
is very dark. Hence I, once again, request your honor to consider my 
project of a COCKTAIL OF MEDICINE and provide a relief to the sufferers of 
different ailments. One cocktail is for all aliments.
8th June 2004
With best regards,
Dr. K.L.Goyal
Anti- Narcotic Campaign Samiti,
1st “C” Road, Sardarpura, Jodhpur-342003       
INDIA, Phone-(0291) 2434440,2437440

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