On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 07:26:40PM +0200, Edward Welbourne wrote:
> >Confidential:        no
> >Synopsis:    Linker error message is a triumph of misdirection
> >Severity:    non-critical
> >Priority:    low
> >Category:    c++
> >Class:               sw-bug
> >Release:     3.3.4 (Debian 1:3.3.4-6sarge1) (Debian testing/unstable)
> >Environment:

GCC has no control over the linker.  Complain to binutils, or provide a
patch which detects the situation and gives a better report.

Behind everything some further thing is found, forever; thus the tree behind
the bird, stone beneath soil, the sun behind Urth.  Behind our efforts, let
there be found our efforts.
              - Ascian saying, as related by Loyal to the Group of Seventeen

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