> Package: g++
> Version: 3.3.4-2
> Severity: important
> When building the latest (0.16) mythtv with apt-build,
> at file globalsettings.cpp g++ slowly eats up all the
> memory the machine has (no matter how much), then dies
> with inertal error (probably gets oomkilled).
> Reproducing the error: (Debian unstable, as of 2004-09-18)
> 1., Add (if not already there) to /etc/apt/sources.list :
> deb http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian unstable mythtv
> 2., Install (if you don't yet have it) apt-build :
> apt-get install apt-build && apt-get update
> 3., Set -O3 -march=k6-3 -mcpu=k6-3 (probably optional) in
> /etc/apt/apt-build.conf
> 4., Install mythtv with apt-build :
> apt-build install
> 5., Wait...
> The error will appear when globalsettings.cpp gets compiled.
> (Takes quite long) You can start a "watch free" to see
> the memory leakage.

please send the preprocessed globalsettings.ii file and the output
running g++ -v

thanks, Matthias

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