On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 11:18:00PM -0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > This is the single most common build failure on arm, hppa, and m68k right
> > now, and has affected literally dozens or hundreds of other packages.  I
> > do kinda know it on sight by this point.

> >> Moreover, this bug should remain filed against gcc-4.0, because it is,
> >> in fact, a bug in gcc 4.0.  There is a *separate* bug filed against
> >> lilypond referring to this one.  This bug should remain open and filed
> >> against gcc-4.0 until a fix is uploaded for Debian.

> > That's fine; I had reassigned it to lilypond before I received the mail that
> > you had filed a separate bug there.  But this is a duplicate of 323133, so
> > merging.  It also is not a release-critical bug because there is a valid
> > workaround for all affected packages, and in spite of the sizeable impact
> > it's non-trivial to fix and has been triaged out of necessity.

> I find it ludicrous to think that the best solution here is to force a
> jillion maintainers to workaround the bug and recompile.

I would be happy to see a patch submitted for g++-4.0 that makes it work
correctly on arm/hppa/m68k so that we can stop having maintainers do
busywork.  But the busywork can be distributed across the affected
maintainers, and backporting a gcc patch cannot.  If you feel up to the task
of providing a backport to fix this bug, I would certainly be grateful.  At
any rate, when the decision was made to start building packages with g++-3.4
on these archs, there was no fix yet upstream for the problem.

> I recall not too recently that you thought hacking version numbers was
> an acceptible solution, but I guess that's when your package was the
> one that was being asked to have a workaround.  

I'm sorry, but there's a big difference between have a library package
change its name in a critical transition period for reasons that don't match
today's best practices, and having to make a decision between a number of
unpleasant options in order to keep three of our ports in the game building
packages.  I don't consider the solution arrived at for gdk-imlib a
"workaround", I consider it the only viable mode for maintaining the large
number of interconnected library packages we have today.

> Hrm, seriously though, why not backport the fix (though the upstream
> bug record doesn't seem to show one yet, while the Debian bug record
> says fixed-upstream)?  Or, failing that, take gcc-4.0 out of use on
> arm, hppa, and m68k?

If the gcc maintainers think that pointing g++ at g++-3.4 on these archs is
the best option, I'm game.  One disadvantage is that it wouldn't let us get
feedback about what else might be wrong with g++-4.0 on those architectures,
but we probably already have all the information we're going to get about
the current round of toolchain packages.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   http://www.debian.org/

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