
I've got interested in the D language since the C++ language is
becoming worse and worse in front of the C# and Java ones. But C++ is
the only C-style syntax language that doesn't have to run above a
virtual machine.

Here is a good quote about it:
"It seems to me that most of the "new" programming languages fall into
one of two categories: Those from academia with radical new paradigms
and those from large corporations with a focus on RAD and the web.
Maybe it's time for a new language born out of practical experience
implementing compilers." -- Michael

I was surprised to see how good the D language seems to be, garbage
collection (http://www.digitalmars.com/d/garbage.html), no more
preprocessor dependancies (no need to #include and the #ifndef stuff),
C99 new types, no more #define (only the static keyword), UTF-8
charset, a way to set a default value in the typedef's, no more
"pointer or not pointer?"...

See also the http://www.digitalmars.com/d/cpptod.html to see the major
differences between C++ and D.

I'm not fond of the gargage collector, but it's true that if the code
is well written, there is no problems.

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a debian package that could add
the D language to gcc? like "gcd", as g++ stands for c++ on gcc...

Well, I hope i could have some answers on this, because I'm really interested!


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