On Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 12:57:03AM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:

> Test case builds and runs fine for me here on alpha with g++-4.1 4.1.2-14.
> I'm not sure what kind of system is supposed to take "several days" to test
> this, it built in a minute for me even on my slow alpha.
> BTW, the provided Makefile is broken and tries to link a C++ app using $(CC)
> instead of $(CXX).
> So I have some doubt that I'm making use of the test case correctly, but in
> any case I don't see any reason to keep this report open since the bug is
> indeed not reproducible with the provided test case.


For the records, my answer last night was wrong: I had forgotten that I
had provided a much reduced test case, and I thought I had to rebuild
the entire tagcoll2 on alpha many times in order to see wether the bug
is still reproducible: that is what would have taken several days.



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