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> subscribe 526961
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> reassign 526961 gcc-4.3
Bug #526961 [confget] confget_1.02-1(mips/unstable): FTBFS on mips. Regression 
test fails.
Bug reassigned from package 'confget' to 'gcc-4.3'.
Bug No longer marked as found in versions confget/1.02-1.
> retitle 526961 -fPIE -pie generates corrupt executable on mips/mipsel
Bug #526961 [gcc-4.3] confget_1.02-1(mips/unstable): FTBFS on mips. Regression 
test fails.
Changed Bug title to '-fPIE -pie generates corrupt executable on mips/mipsel' 
from 'confget_1.02-1(mips/unstable): FTBFS on mips. Regression test fails.'
> severity 526961 normal
Bug #526961 [gcc-4.3] -fPIE -pie generates corrupt executable on mips/mipsel
Severity set to 'normal' from 'serious'

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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