On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 6:12 PM, Matthias Klose <d...@debian.org> wrote:

> On 02.05.2012 18:07, Patrick Baggett wrote:
> > Matthias,
> >
> > I wouldn't mind helping a bit, as I'd like to see GCC 4.7 be the default
> on
> > ia64. I'm good at C/C++ programming and can definitely provide upstream
> > patches, but I have absolutely no idea what the "debian way" of doing
> > things is -- right now, I'm an end-user. What can I do?
> hi Patrick,
> please have a look at the ia64 specific bug reports for the gcc-4.6 and
> gcc-4.7
> sources. Then try to reproduce these using the available compiler versions
> (4.4,
> to 4.7 and trunk/gcc-snapshot).  Get the preprocessed source, try to to
> produce
> a smaller test case, which can be forwarded upstream, try to find out if
> it's a
> regression compared to earlier gcc releases.
OK, I don't mind checking them out, but like I said before I have *no
idea* where
the ia64-specific bug reports are ("no idea what the debian way is", see
above). I read this email that you marked as [1], and I still don't know
where these bug reports are. I think you're assuming a lot more knowledge
about Debian infrastructure that I have. I'm an end-user. I downloaded a
CD, installed the OS, and do "apt-get update/upgrade". Any other
Debian-specific knowledge -- I don't have it. Give me links, I'll
familiarize myself and stop wasting everyone's time. I'm a competent
developer and I've submitted plenty of patches, I just don't have
experience working with OS distributions.

At this point, I don't even know what the scope of the responsibilities of
a "maintainer" is -- do I build *all* the packages or are there build
servers? Do I maintain the modified source if upstream doesn't patch
quickly enough or is there a central repository/server? Do I submit binary
*.deb files or does someone else? Who would be guiding my efforts (if any)
to make sure they align with the "debian way"?


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