tags 670578 unreproducible


I finally got some time to look into this. I tried following the 
instructions to reproduce and built extractor/libmicrohttpd/gnunet 
from svn head on a freshly installed wheezy system, but some steps did 
not produce expected results. For example, when i run 'make check' in 
src/vpn directory after building/installing the binaries, all I get is 
'nothing to be done for "check"', and no tests get run. Also, it's not 
completely clear from your message how the gnunet.conf should look 
like to reproduce the crashes, to I just tried running everything with 
empty config (just did 'touch /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf'). Here 
are the results:

jurij@debian:~/.gnunet$ gnunet-arm -s
Service `arm' has been started.
jurij@debian:~/.gnunet$ ps auxww | grep gnunet
jurij    23989  0.1  0.0   5400   880 ?        Ss   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-arm -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf -d
jurij    23990  0.2  0.0   7424  1672 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-daemon-topology -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23991  0.5  0.1  12528  3544 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-daemon-hostlist -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf -b
jurij    23992  0.5  0.1   8184  3088 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-dht -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23993  0.2  0.0   5768  1488 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-nse -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23994  0.2  0.0   6056  1552 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-mesh -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23995  0.7  0.1   7680  2296 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-fs -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23996  0.1  0.0   5920  1512 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-core -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23997  0.2  0.0   5880  1520 ?        S    13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-transport -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23998  0.8  0.1   6680  2504 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-datastore -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    23999  0.2  0.0   5576  1448 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-ats -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    24000  0.2  0.0   5560  1448 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-statistics -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    24001  0.2  0.0   5640  1664 ?        SN   13:34   0:00 
gnunet-service-peerinfo -c /home/jurij/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
jurij    24003  0.0  0.0   3808  1072 pts/0    R+   13:34   0:00 grep gnunet

After that all binaries appear to be running, and I don't see any 
evidence of crashes (pids do not increment, nothing logged in 
dmesg/syslog, etc). The following messages appear on the terminal 
every few seconds:

Jul 29 13:46:11-358652 util-23993 ERROR When trying to read hostkey file 
`/home/jurij/.gnunet/.hostkey' I found 0 bytes but I need at least 16.
Jul 29 13:46:11-358747 util-23993 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently 
generating a hostkey.
Jul 29 13:46:11-368193 util-23994 ERROR When trying to read hostkey file 
`/home/jurij/.gnunet/.hostkey' I found 0 bytes but I need at least 16.
Jul 29 13:46:11-368291 util-23994 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently 
generating a hostkey.
Jul 29 13:46:11-433488 util-23997 ERROR When trying to read hostkey file 
`/home/jurij/.gnunet/.hostkey' I found 0 bytes but I need at least 16.
Jul 29 13:46:11-433570 util-23997 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently 
generating a hostkey.
Jul 29 13:46:11-435221 util-23996 ERROR When trying to read hostkey file 
`/home/jurij/.gnunet/.hostkey' I found 0 bytes but I need at least 16.
Jul 29 13:46:11-435307 util-23996 ERROR This may be ok if someone is currently 
generating a hostkey.

If you still can reproduce it on your machine, please provide the 
contents of gnunet.conf file used and more specific instructions (you 
may assume that I have all the binaries built from svn head 

Jurij Smakov                                           ju...@wooyd.org
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                      KeyID: C99E03CC

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