Hello Cato:

First , i must say "Thank you for ur help" :-)

You got me a very useful advices and you are right ! when i use command line 
search without (-D "uid=tester,dc=ezplay,dc=tv") 

its have NOT search any entry in my ldap.....result as follow: 

ldapsearch -W -x -h localhost -b "dc=ezplay,dc=tv" 
'(&(objectclass=*)(uid=axa.cheng))'         Enter LDAP Password:
version: 2
# filter: (&(objectclass=*)(uid=axa.cheng))
# requesting: ALL
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 1
no more "numEntries" entry above..........y____y

Anyway, could u explain ur advice that 

"Try doing the command line search without the -D parameter. If you get no 
match, you may look at the access rights to your directory."

Sorry, i dont know which  "access rights to your directory"  that i need to 
check ? 

Apache RootDocument directory permission???  or  .htaccess or slapd.conf  or 

BTW ,  i have tried use .htpasswd + .htaccess to restrict web WITHOUT 

IT IS WORKING! i CAN use legal account to pass through .htaccess authenication

● Non-ldap .htaccess as follow:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "NON LDAP testing"
AuthUserFile /var/www/admin/.htpasswd

<Limit GET POST>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
require valid-user

Do You want more configuration or information in my OpenLDAP server ??? 

Feel free to let me knows, i would provide it to u.... :-)  

> Hello,
> your problem seems to be that when Apache is doing the LDAP search, it 
> does not get any match, while when you are doing a command line search, 
> you get one match.
> One difference between the searches is that you specify a user which is 
> used to bind to the LDAP directory (-D "uid=tester,dc=ezplay,dc=tv"), 
> while Apache doesn't bind as a specific user.
> Try doing the command line search without the -D parameter. If you get 
> no match, you may look at the access rights to your directory.
> Regards,
> Cato Aune

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axacheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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