On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 11:48, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
> Policy feedback is apriciated. How do you think the text should be
> instead?

2.2. Java compilers

Java compilers must depend on java-common and the needed runtime
environment (java1-runtime and/or java2-runtime).

Where possible, java compilers should include a javac wrapper named
compilername-javac-wrapper (e.g. gcj-javac-wrapper). If this complies to
the following terms, then the package should provide java-compiler or
java2-compiler and use the alternatives system for the name 'javac'.
Java compilers not satisfying these terms must not provide

- Generated output is standard java bytecode [as defined by ...??] and
stored in files of the form MyClass$MyInnerClass.class.
- javac --version will print the full name and version of the compiler
- Command line arguments are of the form javac [options] sourcefiles
- The following options must be implemented. Other options may exist
  -classpath classpath
        classpath is a colon separated list of jar files and directories
searched for compiled java bytecode.
  -d directory
        sets the destination directory for the class files.

- should we use Sun style -classpath or GNU standard (and so gcj style)
--classpath ?
- If packages build-depend on java-compiler, --version will be useful to
see which one is being used. Alternatively, perhaps it would be a good
idea to say that this information should be printed whenever javac is
run - this would be especially useful for users who aren't familiar with
the alternatives system.
- Not sure if wrapper naming is needed, but it might make it clearer to
have such a convention (it would differentiate between upstream compiler
and the wrapper)
- Sun's javac creates directories below the -d directory following the
class name e.g. -d work   com.debian.test -> work/com/debian/test.class.
This would be slightly more difficult to implement in a wrapper script,
so I think it is best to say this shouldn't happen.
- should @files also be included? (allows the user to give the name of a
file containing source file names rather than listing the source files

Also, something similar should be done for section 2.1:
2.1. Virtual machines

Java virtual machines must depend on java-common.

If possible, they should provide a 'java' wrapper script named
jvm-name-java-wrapper [again, not sure if necessary] to be used with the
alternatives system. If the wrapper complies to the following terms then
the package should provide java-virtual-machine and java1-runtime or
java2-runtime as appropriate [?is this correct?]

The java wrapper should allow the following calling conventions:
java [ options ] class [ argument ...  ]
java [ options ] -jar file.jar [ argument ...  ]

The following options must be implemented, although others may also
  [same as above]

JVM's should have a CLASSPATH predefined which include the needed
runtime environment.

If a given source (like the JDK does) brings both a compiler and a
virtual machine, you may name the compiler package xxxx-dev. 


| Mark Howard               cam.ac.uk   mh344@ |
| http://www.tildemh.com    tildemh.com    mh@ |

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