Ben Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I realise (2) is a tall order for JVM maintainers, but I believe it
> will make things somewhat more sane in the long run for apps or
> libraries that use JNI classes.  Consider writing a Java program
> that uses library X which uses library Y which has JNI methods; then
> (in the current setup) the startup script for this Java program has
> to keep track of where library Y places its C library and must add a
> corresponding -Djava.library.path= argument to its java invocation.
> I'd like to get rid of that all together and just require the
> startup script to add libX.jar and libY.jar to the classpath, end of
> story.

If libraries should be found automatically, JAR files probably should
be found autmatically too.  J2SE has "extension directories", all
classes from JAR files in these directories are available without
adding the JAR files to the CLASSPATH explicitly.


Juergen Kreileder, Blackdown Java-Linux Team

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