Hi Ean,

My apologies. We installed a new mail server and I was in a car wreck
shortly after so some configuration issues went unattended. I have built
packages for 1.1.1 for Intel and they seem to work well enough. I need
to verify that I can stop using pthreads. Under 1.0.7 I could not get
ant to spawn external processes when using native threads and therefore
could not use jikes as a compiler.

As I've said before, Ant works fine with Kaffe 1.1 without pthreads (like the package built by Arnaud). I've managed to build itself and some of the Jakarta Commons packages using Kaffe 1.1 and Jikes.

I have never managed to run Ant with Kaffe 1.0.7, even the simplest build.xml files failed. So if your packages still has some bugs left, it will probably be a lot better than the current Kaffe package in unstable and you should IMHO upload it as soon as possible. Thanks for your work!


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