Barry Hawkins wrote:

Shyamal Prasad wrote:
| Debian executables "must not depend on environment variables to get
| reasonable defaults" is the actual statement.
| You can't require that a user sets JAVA_HOME for a default
| installation of a java application to run in a reasonable
| manner. That's all. As some one who has lived in csh hell I *love*
| this policy.
| In my specific case, if JAVA_HOME is not set then the Emacs packages
| for JDEE currently don't work reasonably.
Many thanks for the reply and the links; I will read those.  I can see
where the policy is going, I just wonder how practical it is.  If I am
not mistaken, the Eclipse executable also depends upon JAVA_HOME being
set correctly.

Hmm. Wrap it in a shell script that sets if correctly? That isn't that hard, is it?

Regards, Upayavira

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