I would have to say that overall for the time that testing has been in place
unstable has been more stable in my opinion.  Usually when unstable breaks
it's fixed within 24-48 hours...when testing breaks it usually stays broken
for quite some time depending on what is broken.

Testing has the potential to be very stable however it depends on how closely
one follows it.  If you delay your upgrades and monitor the mailing lists
and whatnot you could potentially have a very stable testing install.

I do that exact same thing for unstable.  I delay my upgrades by at least
24 hours on most of my machines until I find out if there is any big problems
(like libc croaking which has happened)...


On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 03:24:09PM -0500, James Lindenschmidt wrote:
> Forgive my newbieness, but it seems you are saying that unstable is actually 
> more stable than testing. Since I am primarily a user who wants a good 
> compromise between stability and currency (in this case, I want KDE 2.2.x), I 
> should actually be running unstable rather than testing?
> Help out a reasonably experienced, but very much not developer here? Am I 
> thinking wrongly in assuming that testing is preferable to unstable? I had 
> assumed that since packages take 10 days or whatever to make their way into 
> testing, then testing would be more stable, because broken updates are fixed 
> before the 10 days are up.
> Also, I just wanted to clarify the naming scheme. At the moment, I believe 
> that stable=potato, testing=woody, and unstable=sid. Is this correct?
> Thank you all,
> Jim
> Ivan E. Moore II Spoke Thusly:
> > testing is testing and that's that.  If people want something that is
> > stable and functional they should use stable or unstable.  I support
> > those 2 distributions.  testing is not meant to be functional at all.  It
> > is meant as a staging ground for our next release.  By putting in hacks
> > to make sure things do work in testing would only lead to other problems
> > and the possiblity of KDE never making it to a stable release of Debian.
> -- 
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---end quoted text---

Ivan E. Moore II
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