Am Monday, 2. February 2009 schrieben Sie:
> On Mon, Feb 02, 2009 at 08:26:55PM +0800, Christoph Burgmer wrote:
> > Am Monday, 2. February 2009 schrieben Sie:
> > > Note that the kde-i18n-XX packages are named now kde-l10n-XX-. Check
> > > you are using kde-l10n-de 4.2.0 and not kde-i18n-de 3.5.10
> >
> > That's not it:
> >
> > $ aptitude search kde-i18n-de
> > p   kde-i18n-de                     - German (de) internationalized
> > (i18n) files
> You are still using kde 3 translations, fetch from experimental kde-l10n-de
> in the same way you fetched KDE 4.2.
> FYI, German is one of the most up to date translations.

Sorry, it's late, do I miss something?

$ aptitude show kde-l10n-de | grep State
State: installed
$ aptitude show kde-i18n-de | grep State
State: not installed

Christoph, waiting for the day unstable will be *the* debian archive again

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