Hi, I am writing to people on PO file of debian-reference (and few others who may be interested. It's not easy to contact weblate translators.).
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debian-reference Italian, German, Chinese(zh-cn) are in good shape. Chinese(zh-tw) can get help but it is in reasonable shape using opencc. Norwegian and Indonesian are not ready for package upload for buster as I see. All others, they will become better if you update untranslated strings. Your help is most appreciated. (Report to BTS with patch, pull request on salsa, or direct commit, ...) If you need write access, please submit request to salsa and drop me a mail with who you are. (For zh-tw, currency all untranslated string are filled by auto-converting from zh-cn during XML generation. So it may not be perfect zh-tw but usable text are there and achieving complete translation.) The exact translation stat data are: no-obsolete po/ja.po 7761 untranslated po/ja.po 88 fuzzy po/ja.po 227 no-obsolete po/fr.po 7761 untranslated po/fr.po 88 fuzzy po/fr.po 190 no-obsolete po/it.po 7761 untranslated po/it.po 0 fuzzy po/it.po 0 no-obsolete po/pt.po 7761 untranslated po/pt.po 88 fuzzy po/pt.po 329 no-obsolete po/de.po 7761 untranslated po/de.po 0 fuzzy po/de.po 0 no-obsolete po/zh-cn.po 7761 untranslated po/zh-cn.po 0 fuzzy po/zh-cn.po 0 no-obsolete po/zh-tw.po 7761 untranslated po/zh-tw.po 75 fuzzy po/zh-tw.po 224 no-obsolete po/es.po 7761 untranslated po/es.po 59 fuzzy po/es.po 154 no-obsolete po/id.po 7761 untranslated po/id.po 6303 fuzzy po/id.po 108 no-obsolete po/nb.po 7761 untranslated po/nb.po 7348 fuzzy po/nb.po 129 "no-obsolete" is the number of string for the translation activity. "untranslated+fuzzy" is the number of string which needs to be translated now to get this all done