Dear Sebastiano, Luca, and Italian Language team, (please CC me, I'm not subscribed)
In the last months you provided updates for the homepage for, thanks! We're about to publish a new version (17 Dec 2020, that's about tomorrow!), and I see Italian is partly updated (you can have a look at how it would look like at ). Please see this mail for details: If you can provide updates to the Italian translations of the affected files, it's very appreciated! I know this is short notice; so my proposal to update Italian is this one: ## If you can work on this before 17 Dec 2020 around 9:00UTC 1.- in your clone of the webwml repo, git checkout new-homepage git pull 2.- sync the Italian files with English, in this order: index.wml, intro/index.wml, po/, the rest (if you have time) 3.- commit and push the updated files to the new-homepage branch ## From 17 Dec 9:00 UTC on I expect to merge the branch new-homepage into master, so you can translate, commit and push directly into master. We'll build and publish the updates as soon as possible. Please coordinate translations/reviews with the other translators, so nobody does double work. For any technical issue or doubt, or any help that I can provide, feel free to contact the web team in #debian-www IRC or the mailing list, or contact me directly if you prefer. I'd really love that we publish the new homepage with Italian up to date! Thanks! -- Laura Arjona Reina -- Laura Arjona Reina