
I am writing to ask for translations of user facing text in `debputy`.

The texts are aimed Debian contributors. While they should be understandable for all levels of experience, they are very technical of nature.

Additionally, please see the README-translators.md (
https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debputy/-/blob/main/po/debputy-lsp-data/README-translators.md?ref_type=heads) for more details about the context, how the texts are rendered, restrictions, how to test, etc. The README also has some screenshots that may aid in the understanding - like the difference in "Synopsis" and "Hover Docs (long description)".

I have attached the POT file. There is no previous translation.

I am happy to receive the translations by email, via the Debian BTS (file a bug against the `debputy` package), or via salsa in the form of a MR. Choose whichever works for you.

Best regards,

PS: Let me know if you have trouble with anything covered by the README-translators.md.

Attachment: debputy-lsp-messages.pot.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: OpenPGP_signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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