On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 09:22:12PM +0900, Hideki Yamane wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 23:56:02 -0600
> NM Front Desk <new-maintai...@debian.org> wrote:
> > Weekly Summary Statistics
> > =========================
> > 2 more people applied to become a new maintainer
> > 0 applicants became maintainers.
>  Why any people cannot become a new Debian Developer in these days? 
>  What is the bottleneck for that, or there is any reason?
>  We needs more and more developers, I think.
>  # but I don't want to blame someone. Just want to know why and how to solve 
> it.

Accounts are created in batch.  For this reason, you will see a lot of
reports with "0 applicants became maintainers" and sometimes you will
see a report with a lot of applicants becoming maintainers.

As a consequence, if you read reports it always looks like noone is
becoming a maintainer.

Maybe we should say "it has been XX days since NN applicants became
maintainers".  Or maybe we should list more details, like number of
people assigned to AMs and not on hold, number of people waiting for FD
approval, number of people waiting for account creation.



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