Here is the current status quo:

I tried a lot of vmodes (1 to 20) with the imsttfb driver without
success. The closest I came were wild colorful symbols scrolling
past during bootup, that vagely resembled text (that was vmode 19,
cmode 8 :)
I also tried to boot without any kernel arguments and only
"video=imsttfb" (no video and color mode specified).

The console is useable, but a bit slow with "video=ofonly". I can live
with that, even though I would really prefere to use imsttfb.

Then I just setup X. The fbdev driver works, but is *very* slow
and I can't get the resolution up to 1200x1024. I really would like to
use the imstt driver. Any ideas where I could continue looking?
If I use the imstt driver only the top half of the screen gets drawn
on (I can still see the console in the lower half).
Maybe I'll try digging into the source (probably hybris!!), but then
again others seem to have an imstt card working fine.

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 06:22:34PM -0300, Rogério Brito wrote:
>       Do you really need to specify vmode and cmode? I use a
>       9500/180MP with a imstt card from a 9600 and just compiling
>       the right drivers on the kernel seems to do it. I don't even
>       specify the "video=" option on the kernel line.
>       OTOH, it seems that something is weird: I have to include
>       other framebuffer drivers (like control etc) in the compiled
>       kernel for Linux to identify the card correctly as a imstt.
>       Otherwise, the monitor stays in standby mode.

I made a kernel with a number of other framebuffer drivers enabled,
but it didn't make any difference. Could you show me the relevant
config section and what kernel version are you using?

Thanks in advance!
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