On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 23:50:05 -0600 (CST)
Craig P Steffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The story so far; in Debian on my iBook, the clock is 14 hours ahead
> (it's set correctly in Mac OS X).  The problem is consistent and
> reproducible.  [...]
> Someone asked what time zone I'm in; I'm in Central, GMT-6 hours.  

And what does 'date +"%Z %z"' display? Does it show the correct time

Do you have multiple Linux partitions? In particular, is /usr on a
separate partition? The time zone (on my system, at least) is set by a
symlink from /etc/localtime to a particular file under
/usr/share/zoneinfo/. I had the same problem when I had /usr separate
from the root partition (where /etc was), as mount -a is run after the
clock is set up, so the symlink didn't work when it was needed. Copying
the appropriate file from zoneinfo to /etc/localtime fixed the problem.

-- Michael

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