El lun, 07-07-2003 a las 05:21, Jamie Wilkinson escribió:
> This one time, at band camp, Mich Lanners wrote:
> >On   6 Jul, this message from Jamie Wilkinson echoed through cyberspace:
> >> This one time, at band camp, Mich Lanners wrote:
> >>>Here are lspci (why do you need that one?)
> >> 
> >> Thanks.  Mainly to see what lspci says about the airport card, more my
> >> own curiousity than actually fixing the problem. :-)
> >
> >Well, it actually says nothing 'cause the Airport is not a PCI card....
> On yours, it says nothing, here on my tibook iv I get:
> 24:0e.0 Class ffff: Lucent Microelectronics FW323 (rev ff)
> Wild guessing suggests that the only lucent device in my system is the
> airport card.

That device is your internal modem, not the airport card.


> *shrug*  I don't know if there's any dark magic going on that makes the
> airport look like it's on the PCI bus.
> -- 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               http://people.debian.org/~jaq
Carlos Perelló Marín
Debian GNU/Linux Sid (PowerPC)
Linux Registered User #121232
Valencia - Spain

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