>>>>> "Dale" == Dale Scheetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Dale> [...]  I find the technical argument (the applicant does not
    Dale> have access to scanners, etc...) to be as weak, because it
    Dale> declares a lack of "connectedness" with the "technological"
    Dale> society they wish to enter.

You mean "connectedness" in RL.  Which is obviously very different
from general "connectedness" with the "technological" society.

There are possibly lots of people who have no RL connections
whatsoever (for whatever reasons... Espy's disease is just one
possibility).  But who are very well-connected in `cyberspace'.

So it does not `declare' a lack of connectedness...

    Dale> This may sound harsh, but then again, Debian isn't a
    Dale> life-raft where every living, breathing, individual who
    Dale> comes along is a viable candidate for inclusion. We need
    Dale> some automatic filters in place to manage the desires of
    Dale> these would-be Debianites.

Bad analogy... yes, Debian's not a life-raft.  It's not a thing of
life or death whether I'm a Debian maintainer or not (I'm not).

But: "This may sound harsh, but then again, I'm in and they're not
(yet), so I don't care to much for their desires (or problems)".

This is what this *feels* like to a (concerned) outside observer.  And
no, I don't want to imply that you think so, Dale.


Bye, J

PS: At current count I have 13 developer signatures on my GnuPG key.
If *ever* I should apply for maintainership, I'll surely not supply a
photo of any kind.  Except if this was required from all developers
(future *and* present!).

Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
     MARS: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard/mars_index.html
                GNU Privacy Guard (http://www.gnupg.org)
             pros do it for money -- amateurs out of love.

PGP signature

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