This is a summary of the AM report for Week Ending 13 Feb 2005.
5 applicants became maintainers.

Peter De Schrijver <p2>

  I have been using linux since the early 90's. I'm a free embedded software
  developer for a living. I mainly work on kernel ports to new platforms,
  device drivers and firmware. I own and use most of the architectures which
  are in debian. I intend to work mainly on porting issues within Debian. I
  also have strong interest in networking. Amongst the packages I maintain are
  atm-tools, coriander and openwince-jtag.

Philipp Kern <pkern>

  Using Linux since 1999 I stumbled quite soon over Debian. I brought
  myself a box and was quickly addicted of its package management which
  appeared a lot more experienced than the others around like RPM.  I
  used it on my desktop box and began to dig into the internas of the
  packages and -- as I had a lot of spare time -- tried to package some
  for fun.  Today I'm skilled with scripting languages like Ruby, PHP,
  Python & sh just as with the more real programming languages like
  LISP (mainly Scheme), C and a bit of Java.  I hope that the Debian
  project could benefit of the young enthusiasm I would bring in.

Jose M. Moya <josem>

  I work as a research assistant at the Technical University of Madrid,
  where I am involved in several research and industrial projects based on
  free software.  My main interests include embedded systems development,
  and hardware-software codesign.  Of course, we use Debian on most of our
  machines.  I also installed and partly maintain the firewall, mail
  servers, spam filters, and DNS servers for the Department of Electronic
  Engineering (all of them Debian-based machines).

  What I intend to do for Debian is mainly (at least initially) package
  management.  I intend to maintain some packages that are useful for us
  and are probably useful for others.

  As I get more confident with the Debian internals and procedures I would
  also like to help in debugging and testing, and infraestructure tasks.

  My first GNU/Linux system was a SLS distribution with Linux 0.99pl15
  (1992? 1993?).  Then I discovered the GNU project and the GNU
  Manifesto.  Since then, I am an energetic advocate of software freedom.

  I have contributed to the GNU Hurd project (I worked for 3 months at
  Cambridge under the supervision of RMS) and some minor patches to the
  GNU libc.

  For my PhD thesis I built a hardware-software compiler based on GCC.

Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt>

   I am 23 years old, living near Erfurt, Germany and i study computer
   science at the Tecnical University of Ilmenau. My first contact with
   computers was in 1991 with a C64, i got my first PC in 1996 and in
   late 1998 a schoolfriend told me about Linux and free software. Since
   that time i was very interested in the idea of free software, but my
   first own experiences with Linux (an evaluation version of SuSE 6.1)
   were not very successful. In late 1999 i started a second attempt to
   use Linux on one of my computers as OS for a gameserver. Since then i
   was using Linux regularly on my computers, and in early 2001 i had my
   first contact with Debian. As soon as i realized the various advantages
   (mainly the impressive package-managment) of Debian i did not want to
   use anything else.

   In summer 2002 i started to make Debian-Packages for the
   developerversion of vdr, the Video Disk Recorder - , but i did not try to get
   these packages in the official archive. In late 2003 Andreas Mller
   took over maintainership of the orphaned vdr and he took my packages,
   since the i am in contact with him and i helped him fixing some bugs.

   In april this year i started the pkg-vdr-dvb-project on alioth to
   be able to improve the packages in a team, and at the moment we are
   adding most of the features of c't-vdr (a special Debian-based
   Distribution for vdr from the german c't-magazine) back to the
   official vdr-packages.

   In the moment my focus is the further improvement of the vdr and
   vdr-related packages in Debian, but i plan also to help in other parts
   of Debian, as far as my time allows.

S. Zachariah Sprackett <zacs>

  Zac Sprackett has been involved with Linux professionally for many
  years.  He was a software engineer at Corel Computer Corp. where he
  worked on the NetWinder and cofounded  Following his
  time at Corel he went to work at VA Linux Systems where he was a
  lead engineer and designer on the VA Cluster Manager (VACM).  Zac is
  currently employed by Mitel where he specializes in SIP and other
  VoIP based products.

Martin Michlmayr

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