Several of you work closely with GNU people.  A question
for you.  Is the FSF a body like the IETF, W3C or Debian
in which stakeholders make reasonably collaborative
policy decisions together?  Or is "FSF policy" more or
less another name for "the views of Richard M.
Stallman"?  (Or does the reality lie somewhere in
between, or elsewhere entirely?)

Either way would be okay, but the answer will help me to
order my own thoughts in the GFDL/DFSG matter.

With the kernel people, when Linus Torvalds forms an
opinion or makes a decision, there is no mystery where
it came from.  It is "Linus' opinion" or "Linus'
decision", not "Linux Kernel Foundation policy".  The
whole "FSF policy" thing confuses me, because I do not
know whose policy it is, or how it is arrived at.  If
you can shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it.

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