At Mon, 25 Apr 2005 22:37:48 +0200,
Adrian von Bidder wrote:

> > I wonder if snapshot shouldn't be promoted to an official debian.*org*
> > service in recognition of its value to the project.
> Summarizing the discussion so far:
>  (1) drain of funds / should Debian really purchase disk space of that size?
>       (1.4TB, growing and growing...)
>  (2) there is also the morgue (60G but only goes back a few months)
>  (3) snapshot.d.n is useful for security - so far only source was used for 
> this purpose
>  (4) for various purposes, old binaries also seem useful; especially since 
> the old binaries can not (easily) be regenerated from the sources.
>  (5) the indexing is really nice (compared with what the morgue offers)
> Comments:
>  - why not leave it where it is now, just add the DNS alias
>  - How much *does* Debian spend on resources right now?  Not much, afaict -  
> most resources are sponsored by somebody (as is current 
>  - to limit the growth: keep x years of binaries, y years of source, and 
> rely on past Debian releases for the really ancient stuff.
> Conclusion: so far, I get the feeling that snapshot is a service that would 
> be missed if it were discontinued, so I think 'awarding' it a 
> alias is justified.
> NOTE I haven't spoken Fumitoshi Ukai, who is maintaining snapshot.d.n 
> afaict, so maybe he has totally different views.

Ok, this is my comments:
 - it would be nice to have domain name in for snapshot.
   I've seen several people already thought it as
   and found it was wrong domain name.

 - I provided initial resources for, and currently
   FSIJ sponsors most disks (RAID5 of 8 * 250G disks)
      /dev/md5              1.6T  1.3T  265G  83% /archive

   FSIJ plans to expand this storage (maybe RAID5 of 8*300G or so) before
   it reaches the limits.

 - One of my concerns is that there are only one instance of old
   debian packages in the disks in the world now.  So, if we get some
   hardware trouble/failure in the disks, we'll lost old debian 
   packages forever. (even if we use RAID5, it might happen in rare case)

   So, if there is replica or clone of snapshot.d.n, it would be more 
   secure as insurance service for missing package.

Fumitoshi UKAI

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