Chris Pimlott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>       As I said, I don't expect every one of these options to exist for 
> everyone; just that there are many different options beyond personally
> owning a scanner, and I believe for the majority of people, at least one
> should be viable.  And honestly, I don't see why mailing a photograph (the
> simpliest and most likely most universal option) is that difficult.

>       And I am not saying Debian should or should not require a
> digital photograph, just that I do not believe it is an unworkably
> difficult task.
But s/digital/digital (XOR optionally) or analog - with key ID in letter/ ;-)

Anybody got what that XOR means? *askshimself* ;-)

Regards, Andy
Andreas Rottmann     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | [EMAIL 
Pfeilgasse 4-6/725   | A-1080 Wien  | Austria      | Europe            | GnuPG Key:
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[one of 78,35% Austrians who didnĀ“t vote for Haider!]

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