[Followups to -project, s'il vous plait.]

On Oct 18, Detlev Zundel wrote:
> I just stumbled across the following link (from /.):
> https://store.redhat.com/commerce/store.cgi?page=/more_rms_intel.html
> where Red Hat announces RMS Linux (Red Hat Means Source Linux) that
> contains only open source components. It is proced at $29.95 and they
> want to pass on at least 1 dollar to the FSF.
> Damn they make it look like they are the first and only one committed
> to open source stuff...  This just makes me angry.

I don't see a word in that page that implies that "they are the first
and only one committed to open source stuff."  IMHO, if they want to
support the FSF explicitly with one product, more speed to them.

Though it would be better if they donated 1% of all of their sales to
FSF, or even $1 from every Red Hat package sold.

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