On 8 Jun 2000, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:

> Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >     Are there some statistics that users are confused?  When installing
> > Debian a screen comes up and asks if the user would like access to the
> > non-free sections of Debian and it explains what non-free is.  Perhaps this
> > should be enhanced and made more clear if there is confusion.  Instead the
> > proposal claims removal is necessary.  If users are confused, let us educate
> > them instead of attempting to remove from their sight what currently exists.
> If the screen says what you said it does, then already there's a
> problem.
> Since non-free is not part of Debian, there are no "non-free sections
> of Debian", there are only non-free parts of the archive.  Debian
> itself only contains `main'.  
> Which means, in fact, that here's one data point for confusion.

        Then let us correct the documentation and educate the users
and developers instead of cutting them off from a resource a number
appear to find extremely useful.

> I could go over the posts on debian-project and debian-devel with a
> fine toothed comb and post a list of all the messages there which
> evince the confusion, including several from users who were very
> worried about "removing non-free from Debian".

        See above.


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