>>"Andreas" == Andreas Voegele <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Andreas> I'm no maintainer but I'm using Debian since version 1.1, 
 >> Every Debian developer represents Debian (e.g. at exhibitions)

 Andreas> Do you think that all the long-term maintainers always represent
 Andreas> Debian in a favourable way?

        I am not sure that you understand what the project is. The
 project is not a company, with a mandated party line; the project is
 comprised of a multitudfe of people, all with varying agenda's and
 view points (though there is a large overlap). 

        If Debian is a sum of its members, then it the view points of
 Debian are also a sum of the views of its members; and one would be
 doing our users a disservice by artificially suppressing reality. 

 Andreas> Here's an example from a recent thread in debian-devel called "Woody
 Andreas> Progress":

 Andreas>  Andreas Schuldei> In fact we ultimatly exist to do them [the users]
 Andreas>                    good and please them.
 Andreas>  Manoj Srivastava> Bullshit.

 >> From the same thread:

 Andreas>  Manoj Srivastava> [...] I, personally, work for Debian so that I can
 Andreas>                    have a high quality Linux distribution.  Having it
 Andreas>                    useful to other people, espescially people I like,
 Andreas>                    is a neat secondary thing.
 Andreas>                    Am I beholden to the unwashed masses out there?
 Andreas>                    No way.

 Andreas> I don't think that public statements like these help Debian.

        Really? I think they do, since they elucidate the motivation
 of at least one developer, and disabuse some of the users out there
 about the demands that they can make; the customer is only always
 right when they are paying customers.

 Andreas> In fact, these statements don't comply with Debian's Social
 Andreas> Contract which clearly says that "Our Priorities are Our
 Andreas> Users and Free Software.  We will be guided by the needs of
 Andreas> our users and the free-software community.  We will place
 Andreas> their interests first in our priorities."

        You are confusing the guiding principle of the project itself
 with the motivations of individual developers.If you do not
 understand the distinction, I don't think you understand well enough
 how we work.

 "Life, loathe it or ignore it, you can't like it." Marvin the
 paranoid android
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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