On Thu, Mar 01, 2001 at 10:10:57AM -0600, Barry Beckman wrote:
> Hello,
> Thought you might like to know about us.  Could you pass this on to the 
> appropriate individual(s)? Thanks!

I gotta say..
thanks !
cause you really made my day. I just find this hilarious that you
are sending us this *cough* spam.

and on to the fun..

> We partner with RedHat.

good for you ;)

> Rackspace offers customized dedicated webservers to anyone who wishes to 
> move up to the power, reliability, and security of a dedicated server. Our 
> state-of-the-art network is fully switched using Cisco network gear. The 
> Rackspace network is multi-homed with DS3 to OC12 connections through 
> Time-Warner, Uunet, SBC, Digex, and Intermedia providing fast, reliable 
> connectivity.

hm yeah pretty standard "we're a nifty tier1 *SP" promo.

> Upgrading is fast and easy giving you the ability to adjust your server 
> according to your needs. You are given the root password so you have full 
> control of your machine, no hassles or security issues that come with 
> sharing. Reliable, flexible, affordable.
> Our technical staff is on hand 24x7 to assist with any technical issues and 
> ensure that your server is on-line and functioning according to your needs. 
> There is never a charge for calling outside of normal working hours. If you 
> would like additional information about our "fanatical" customer support, 
> please visit http://www.rackspace.com/support/index.php3. You can also 
> access a Flash version of our Spheres of Support there. The Spheres of 
> Support outline everything that Rackspace offers in the way of support that 
> is free as well as fee based. I think you will agree that we offer a large 
> amount of support for free that our competitors charge for.
> There are no bandwidth restrictions, your traffic will be burstable beyond 
> what you sign up for. If you exceed what you sign up for you will be billed 
> at the overage rate, $4 per 1GB. You can upgrade bandwidth at any time to 
> avoid overage fees and would then only pay the incremental price 
> difference. You will have access to a Stats area which will provide 
> information on exactly what your server has pushed to date as measured at 
> the switch. We will also install the stats program Analyze2.2 to track 
> bandwidth use per domain (mail traffic not included) at no additional cost.
> Your server will be monitored 24x7 with staff on-hand around the clock to 
> ensure your server is on-line and functioning as you need it to be. We use 
> a standard ping monitoring system to ensure the servers are up and running. 

hah, this is worthless, you must establish that something beyond
icmp is up and running in order to determine if the server is "up",
e.g. periodically connecting to foo service and doing "something".
.. But then I guess you guys charge extra for such a "revolutionary"
service ;)

> Should a server fail to respond, the entire support team is paged and 
> emailed. Since they are located on the same floor as the data center, you 

yeah *cough* I know many people who work at NOCs, They just slide
down their poles like firemen to the server rooms when the alarm
goes off, and rush off to fix something.. unless of course one of
their level 1 techs tripped over a cord :) They laugh and tell us
about it on IRC before fixing it.

> can be assured they will respond quickly to resolve the issue. We are 100% 
> responsible for the functioning of all hardware components and will replace 
> any failed component immediately at no cost to you.
> Rackspace offers Unix (RedHat Linux / FreeBSD / Sun), NT, and Cobalt Raq 
> platforms.

Sun? which one (no pun) (double pun) (jinx!)

There's Solaris and SunOS, which are fairly different.

Also much software only runs on a certain breed of Solaris/SunOS.
IIRC, Cisco's in-house ticketing stuff only runs on 4.1.x ( I think ).

> All Unix servers will come with a standard install of RedHat Linux 6.2, 
> FreeBSD3.3, or Solaris7 which will include the latest versions of Apache, 
> Sendmail, Bind, and Perl. Rackspace Support will assist with initial 
> configurations for your first 5 sites and first 5 mail accounts to help get 
> you up and running (you will be responsible for uploading files and making 
> updates at Internic).

Sendmail AND bind? man you guys present more ways for the
system to be compromised than ever before! cool!

> Unix servers will also have the program "Webmin" installed free of charge. 

free you say! wow! FREE BSD licensed software! huzzah!

> Webmin is a browser-based program that allows for point and click 
> administration to add domains, mail, ftp, DNS and perform other 
> administration all through a web based interface. For more information 
> please visit our knowledge database at: 
> http://support.rackspace.com/cgi-bin/racksup/search
> You will have root control of your Unix server with full Telnet and FTP 
> access and can add as many domains as you like, as many mail accounts as 
> you like, and can install any additional software you like on your server 
> without restriction or limitation.

root.. on my own server! amazing!

> NT servers will come with a standard installation of NT Server 4.0, IIS 
> 4.0, VNC, and PCAnywhere 9.0. Windows 2000 will come with a standard 
> installation of Windows 2000, IIS 5.0, VNC, and Terminal Services. You will 
> have full FTP access to your server with root control and are welcome to 

I thought this was s/root/Administrator/ on NT ? or has that
changed? I haven't used it since NT4SP5

> install any additional software you like on your server(mail, database, 
> commerce). If you need assistance with installations from disk you may 
> forward us the disks and we will place the information on the server for 
> remote install at no additional cost.
> Rackspace also offers the Cobalt Raq3 servers. The Raq interface allows for 
> point and click administration for adding domains, mail, ftp, and other 
> administration through a web based control panel. The control panel is 
> re-distributable so that multiple accounts can be setup where users will 
> have access to their own control panel with restrictions set from the top 
> down. The Raq is recommended for hosting 200 sites and is ideal for 
> reselling accounts due to its hierarchical control panel.

Only 200 sites? not 199 or 201? hm.

gack, I couldn't imagine running 200 "real" sites on a raq

> Raq servers come with a Linux kernel which includes installations of 
> Apache, Sendmail, Bind, and Perl.

Man, that must be one big kernel, if it includes apache, sendmail,
et al in it.

> Rackspace also offers such advanced services load balancing, firewalling, 
> e-commerce, and web based email. For more information on our advanced 
> services please visit: http://www.rackspace.com/products/
> To price a server to your specifications please visit our on-line pricing 
> tool at: http://www.rackspace.com/goconfigure/pricing.php3
> *You may submit the configuration you are interested in using the pricing 
> tool, a contract will be forwarded for your review.

> If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free 
> to contact me.

hey i cc'd the list, share the fun!

hmm maybe.. Perhaps next time you should find out *something* about
our project before spamming us, OTOH, you gave us [me] a good laugh

If you ever want to consider switching to a real linux distro,
consider Debian (www.debian.org), it'll tell you all about us.


 - brian.

Brian Russo      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian/GNU Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.debian.org
LPSG "member"    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   http://www.lpsg.org

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