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first I'd like to thank the few people who have been constructive and
tried to help instead of denigrating and nitpicking on minor points.

I've decided to withdraw the general resolution proposed 2 weeks ago
about IRC as communication channel.
Why ?

Because the most concerned people (Wichert as #debian-devel's channel
founder and Branden as an operator) didn't want to participate in the
discussion, not even respond to simple questions that would have let us
continue the work.

That's all. Since they didn't want to discuss it, I didn't see the
point of continuing the discussion about IRC. 

The withdrawal doesn't mean that the expressed problem doesn't exist any
more, it's just that I believe that the proposed GR is not good enough to
respond to the concerns I raised. It was too much IRC centric.

I believe that we should come up with a set of guidelines (approved by
Debian) to be used on all (external[1]) communication channels dedicated to
Debian (that is probably relatively similar to the list of channels that
have Debian in their name). Those guidelines would be split in two parts :
- guidelines for channels dedicated to Debian's development
- guidelines for channels dedicated to Debian's use/support

Of course, Debian would have no way to enforce those guidelines, but at
least it would be a good way to check if the people running the
corresponding channel share Debian's {goals,concerns,point of view}.

Unfortunately I don't have time to work on such a proposition, but I'd
like that someone volunteers for it. I would probably even help.


[1] Just for the people who think that #debian-devel (and the other #debian-*
channels) (a channel owned by a debian developer, mentionned in the
welcome mail sent by James Troup to new developers, accessible at
irc.debian.org, with more than a hundred debian developers in it, and
where things like the birth of a new Debian release happen) is neither
official nor representative of Debian.
Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Le bouche à oreille du Net : http://www.beetell.com
Naviguer sans se fatiguer à chercher : http://www.deenoo.com
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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