Dear Sirs

I’m looking for a collaboration as translator from/into English and French or as proofreader. I’m collaborating with an agency at present time: I translate passages for guide books and dépliants; I’m also working for a client who deals with a magazine on line and I translate articles from/into English and from German. Recently I translated two books and made the proofreading of an American novel for an important publishing house in Milan. I’ve been working for a lot of years as secretary, dealing with foreign clients, using written and spoken English and French, so I’ve no problem in translating business letters.

I assure accuracy and rapidity in case of business and literal translations.

Best Regards,

Ilaria Mascetti





























My last experience in an office has been in a publishing house: I dealt with a technical magazine and that involved writing articles, -few to be true as I remained there only few months- and also proof reading.

Orient Moda- a mediation society, dealing with Middle East was my first job that had something to do with my studies. I used both English and French; it was a stimulating activity also because I dealt with all the office problems autonomously but partners decided to close it because it was a secondary activity for them and they quarrelled and had also problems with their vendor. After that I’ had various experiences especially in the textile field. I worked as secretary in a plastic material industry dealing with foreign clients for one year. After a brief experience in an office as technical translator from /into English I‘ve decided to work as translator free-lance. At present I’m working part-time as translator in an import-export office and as free-lance translator in the afternoons.




Personal data

Surname and Name: Mascetti Ilaria

Place and Date of Birth: Como, 11/9/67

Address: Via Andrate Nuova 1/D, Fino Mornasco- Como

Tel/Fax 031.929715 Cell. 3381204240


Studies and training

Diploma: Final scientific examination at secondary school

"Paolo Giovio" in July 1986 –vote 48/60

Degree Certificate: Undergraduate in foreign languages at Università Cattolica

Cuore in Milan. Thesis in English Literature on

"The Waves" by Virginia Woolf.

Informatics: Dos, Windows, Word (2.0/5.0/7.0),

WordPerfect ,OMEGA, Excel, ad Hoc

Macintosh (PageMaker)

Foreign Languages: French- very good (spoken and written )

English- very good (spoken and written)

German- scholastic knowledge

Abroad stays

Intensive course in language, grammar and French conversation at Aix-en- Provence in 1989

Language and culture course at Cambridge, July- August 1990

Various stays in England


















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