On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 08:15:56AM +0900, Oohara Yuuma wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 20:00:10 +0000,
> "Brian M. Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Debian should not be using non-free software on its own
> > systems.
> Debian Project is not FSF.

The Debian Project is not the Free Software Foundation, I agree. But they
both stand for Free Software. If Debian uses non-free software, it looks
like it is just paying lip service to the Social Contract. "We want to
make a free Unix, but we don't want to use it."
> > "Debian Will Remain 100% Free Software"
> I think this Debian means the Debian distribution, not a specific
> Debian machine.

Perhaps it could be interpreted that way. The word "Debian" alone is
somewhat ambiguous. English tends to have that quality.
Brian M. Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://decoy.wox.org/~bmc> 0x560553E7
Bowie's Theorem:
        If an experiment works, you must be using the wrong equipment.

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