our beloved Masters in the Lord Greetings to you in
the matchless and worthy name of Jesus our Lord. We
praise and thank you who preserves everything for this
name sake and making  everything fruitful. We belive
that the mightly Lord moving around the world and put
his serrvants in the gaps to fulfill this ministry.
Thus we got encouragement towards these noble causes.
so that we work among the unreaded in this land of

We work in India, for the total upliftment of
children, we need to give them food, clothing and
shelter. There are millions of chilren in and around
the world. We want to seen them grown upto the level
of the human being. So we have nothing to share them
materially and physically. 

Therefore, we humbly request you to send your commands
and guidelines towards their noble cause and please
consider our application for the same and reply at
your earliest convenience.

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours affectionately
Pastor JobalYohannan
Harinagar,NewDelhi-110064. India

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