On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Julie R. Clausen wrote:
> I would like to install the gnucap project on my laptop.  I have SuSe Linux
> and don't know how to unzip the .deb file.  Can you help??

First off, the correct forum for these requests is
debian-user@lists.debian.org, not debian-project. [You can read about
appropriate subject material for each of the lists at
lists.debian.org.] {I'm also pretty sure that this question has been
covered before and exists in the archives of -user.}

In answer to your question;

ar x foo.deb
tar -zxf control.tar.gz
tar -zxf data.tar.gz

will unar and untar the deb package.

Alternatively, you could use 'dpkg-deb -x foo.deb' assuming you have
dpkg installed.

Don Armstrong

Miracles had become relative common-places since the advent of
entheogens; it now took very unusual circumstances to attract public
attention to sightings of supernatural entities. The latest miracle
had raised the ante on the supernatural: the Virgin Mary had
manifested herself to two children, a dog, and a Public Telepresence

-- Bruce Sterling, _Holy Fire_ p228


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