On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 19:38, Saad Ahmed wrote:
> To whom this may concern,

I'm not a member of the Debian project, so perhaps you'll want a more
official statement - but be warned, official statements are somewhat in
short supply since this is a volounteer project...

> I would like to become an authorized wholesale Debian Linux
> distributor.  I would like to know how I can attain information
> regarding the following:

There is no such thing as an authorized Debian Vendor/Distributor.

When you want to distribute Debian CDs (or DVDs or whatever), feel free.
To avoid confusion, it is recommend to only distribute the official
releases (3.0 at the moment), and not distribute CD sets of the
'testing' or even 'unstable' distribution.

Some info is on http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/
The debian-cd@lists.debian.org mailing list is one place to contact,
too, I believe.

> 1) Can I use the term "Debian" or “Debian Linux” on my website without
> causing a trademark infringement when selling Linux distributions?  If
> I have to have a license from you to use your trademark, can you
> please give me more details regarding this?

As far as I know, you can use the term Debian all you want. For use of
the Debian logo, have a look at http://www.debian.org/logos/ (you'll
want the 'open use' logo).

Good luck!

-- vbi

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