Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Andreas has contributed to Debian in a number of areas, from packaging
  software, NMUing buggy software, and filing bug reports, often with
  patches.  He is interested in becoming an official maintainer, to make
  maintaining his packages easier, among other things.  He says: 
  "Official maintainer status would ease my work as maintainer,
  sponsoring works and is a great safeguard, but it is a extra
  work. And sometimes I'd like to use e.g. a PowerPC machine for

  Andreas currently maintains newsx, co-maintains cdrtools and is working
  on exim4.


  "I am a 22 year old molecular biology student.  I have been using Linux
  for the last 5 years, and Debian exclusively for the last three.  I
  originally installed Debian after I decided that it was the best OS for
  me after reading the DFSG and Social Contract--I had great agreement with
  the philosophy behind Debian.  The reputation of Debian for being the best
  distribution (technically) was also an important factor.  I briefly
  installed 1.3, but my first real use was of slink (2.2r2), which I
  installed to learn computer programming in C.  Hopefully  I'll find time
  soon to get to grips with C++ and either Perl or Python and start using

  Quite soon after starting programming, I wanted to package my software
  for Debian, mainly for convenience, and I also put it up for public
  download.  I read the New Maintainers' Guide and started using debhelper.
  I have now got quite a bit of experience using the Debian packaging tools,
  and I feel that I would be able to use my knowledge to contribute to the
  Debian Project.

  I intend to be a packager.  I am the upstream author and maintainer of
  the gimp-print Debian packaging (it is also available within the upstream
  tarball), and so aim to take over the packaging of gimp-print after the
  release of woody (by agreement with Eric Sharkey).  I also have ITPed IJS
  (#141476).  In addition, I have been looking at cleaning up buildd for
  inclusion in Debian (there was a thread on debian-devel 1-2 weeks back)."

  Roger currently maintains gimp-print and ijs.

Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  "If you'd like a little more background about who I am... I'm 27, and I
  live just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota.  I have a B.S. in Electrical
  Engineering (double-major in Computer Science) from Marquette University
  in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  I work for Northwest Airlines in their
  Middleware Services department.  Most of what I do for Northwest is C
  and shell programming, but I'll be moving toward a Java development
  support role as we roll out our J2EE infrastructure later this year."

  Kenneth currently maintains babygimp, libhtml-fromtext-perl,
  liblingua-en-numbers-ordinate-perl, liblingua-preferred-perl,
  liblog-tracemessages-perl, libsort-versions-perl, libterm-progressbar-perl,
  libtk-tablematrix-perl, nbio, and xmltv.

Martin Loschwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  "The first time i got contacted with GNU/Linux was when i were 12 years
  old - i didn't really know what i was doing at that time. Someone told me
  about a "cool operating System" and i just wanted to test it because i was
  bugged by Windows. However, my first distribution was SuSE and it was soon
  completely destroyed.  Then a friend, Dennis Koegel, told me about a
  "wonderfull linux distribution", its name was debian. I tried it, and,
  declaredly, at first time i had big problems but soon much things became
  clear and i started to use debian on my workstation and enjoyed it. A half
  year ago, i became also interested in developing debian. Soonly
  I created my first packages for "gidentd" which was written by Joern
  Heissler. Bastian "waldi" Blank checked those packages for me and uploaded
  them into Debian.  Later, i created the "irssi-scripts"-Package in
  coorperation with Pekka Knuutila and i also adopted the "xfce"-package
  which was RFA. Since that, i adopted some more packages, e.g.
  "ircd".  I introduced also some new packages, e.g. "kmusicdb",
  "libdbmusic", "ircd-irc2" and "cdbakeoven".  At the moment, I'm writing
  articles for german "LinuxUser" or "LinuxMagazin" magazines from time to

  Martin currently maintains dbh, ecartis, gidentd, gtk2-engines-xfce,
  ircd, ircd-irc2, ircd-ircu, irssi-scripts, irssi-snapshot, kmusicdb,
  libdbmusic, libxfcegui4, nedit, qt-x11-free, xfce, xfce4, xfce4-utils,
  xfdeskmenu4, xffm4, xfwm4, and xirssi.

Martin Michlmayr

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