This is a summary of the AM Report for Week Ending 21 Sep 2003.
6 applicants became maintainers.


  Well I started in the industry a few years ago as a QA
  engineer for Microsoft at 18.  After getting out of there,
  and moving on, I started my own business to do consulting
  work.  Through a somewhat weird chain of events, I fell in
  with a website, where I am currently the lead
  maintainer.  This expanded out to do work on the everything
  engine (, a mature web
  development platform that currently powers many different
  websites, and is itself extensible through different plugins.
  (This is one place where the debian .deb architecture has
  really helped us to ease deployment).   It has definitely
  broadened my experience in Free Software and has entrenched
  me in it and the broad world of Perl.  And, for the most
  part, I've loved every minute of it (save those times that
  apache simply won't start, or perl unexpectedly segfaults).

  As far as my bio, I'd like you to tack on that as of now, I
  am an independent consultant for VA software (that is my

  Jay maintains libcarp-assert-perl, libclass-factory-util-perl,
  libgeo-metar-perl, libio-zlib-perl, libipc-run-perl,
  libipc-sharedcache-perl, liblog-agent-perl,
  liblog-agent-rotate-perl, libmodule-build-perl,
  libmodule-info-perl, libnet-scp-expect-perl,
  libpod-coverage-perl, libsub-uplevel-perl,
  libtest-builder-tester-perl, libtest-mockobject-perl, and


  Adam  said that Debian was the first Linux distribution he
  used. Adam is interested in Debian because "I found Debian to
  be the most liberal distribution available. It contains the
  greatest amount of free software and it is a dynamic
  distribution. No one person dictates on what should and
  should not be included.  "

  Adam wants to package software for Debian and to fix bugs.

  Adam maintains gtml, jikes, jikes-contrib, libhoard, libjsw,
  lpe, memprof, mysqlcc, xshipwars, xshipwars-images-st,
  xshipwars-sounds-st, and yiff.

  Ok, I'm Quôc Peyrot (Quôc is my first name just in case you
  are wondering ;) ) and I am packaging with Julien Lemoine a
  bunch of GPL software about automatic program transformation
  (see cwi-* package); these programs are from different R&D
  Laboratory (the main is CWI Unfortunately
  they are often difficult to install and we found, with Julien
  Lemoine, to be useful to make package in order to help other
  people to use these wonderful tools. Some bugs were
  encountered, fixed and reported to authors. There are a lot
  of package to make to provide all their "program
  transformation tool", and as I use intensively these tools we
  figured out I can help maintaining these packages. I am
  co-maintainer of all cwi-* package (and maintainer of
  cwi-boxenv, my first package) which can be found in unstable

  About my how I came to Linux: in my school (EPITA, same as
  Julien Lemoine) we are *nix oriented. In January 2001 I
  entered in LRDE (EPITA Research & Development Laboratory)
  which is clearly free software oriented. All computer are
  using Debian and I have the pleasure to work in this
  laboratory with some "free community renowned" men: Akim
  Demaille (who maintains Autoconf, bison, a2ps ...),
  Guillaume-Alexandre Duret-Lutz (who maintains automake),
  Didier Verna (xemacs, curve ...). In this laboratory we are
  working on Olena, a generic image processing library under
  GPL liscence. As you can see, since 1 year and half, I'm
  trying to be involve more and more in free software community
  and as you can expect I really like free software philosophy,
  and I would like to continue to increase my help in this

  You can see our laboratory work and member at (if it doesn't work try since we are encountered some
  connection problems. and (or

  Quôc maintains cantus, gnupod-tools, gtkpod, strategoxt

Thomas Scheffczyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  About myself: I'm 37 years old, married and have two
  children. We live together in a small village near Mainz,
  the capitol of 'Rheinland-Pfalz' a kind of Country in

  As I mentioned before do I work in the University of
  Mainz. Because of security concerns the head office of the
  university has an own network and is connected with the other
  parts of the university only over a firewall system.
  Christoph Martin, the debian developer who sign my key,
  actually is the computer department chief here in the head
  office. Starting with the first firewall years ago he
  introduced debian and since then it was and is used for all
  our unix systems except for the big database servers.

  About six years ago I started to work with unix. At first
  only as a user, later as a database-developer and about three
  years ago also as an administrator. First I maintained only
  single services like dhcp or dns. Later I learned to setup
  and maintain complete servers. (I have to learn a lot more,
  but at least now I know that and what I have to learn ;-)
  Right now I'm responsible for data an network security, for
  the network itself with it's switches and routers, for the
  mail system and especially for our firewall systems. A
  relatively new assignment are roadwarriors and their secure
  connection to our network.

  I think, I don't have to mention that we use debian for all
  this tasks. I learned so much and took so much from the
  community that I wanted to give something back to it. A
  couple of months ago I noticed that the debian packet of the
  mason firewall based on an old version of mason that didn't
  support iptables. On the homepage of mason was a new version
  available. Christoph Martin asked the maintainer of this
  packet, Jeff Liquia if he has plans to update the package. He
  told him that he was very busy and that mason is a low
  priority thread for him. Then we asked Jeff about a NMU and
  he said this would be ok. He also said that even when he has
  no time to update mason he don't want to see this package
  orphaned, but if we want to maintain the package it would be
  perfectly ok for him.

  In this situation Christoph Martin asked me, if I would like
  to maintain mason. I would like. And because of this I apply
  to become a debian developer.

  Thomas maintains annoyance-filter, mason and udptunnel

Michael Schiansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  back in 96 i finished my apprenticeship at siemens in Munich.
  there i was taught in SCO unix and sinix. [...] since more
  than a year i use debian potato, woody (as it was testing)
  and now sarge.

  I'm responsible admin on about 10 servers and workstation.
  some of them in use for more than 1000 days. they are located
  at home, at university, at client-side and at an ISP.

  i want to join debian to give back something that others gave
  me: a chance to get high quality software freely.

  Michael maintains mp3c, tardy, and xcb

Arthur de Jong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I'm a software engineer at West Consulting in the Netherlands
  ( I finished my computer science study at Delft
  University of Technology ( about two years
  ago.  During my study I first installed Linux (Slackware 1.0
  I believe) around 1995. I upgraded from a.out to elf by hand
  (recompiling gcc, libc and all the tools by hand), horribly
  trashing my setup. I later removed it and used windows a
  couple of years.

  A couple of years back I was looking to reinstall Linux and
  came across Debian. We already had Debian (bo or hamm, I'm not
  sure) running on De Koornbeurs (a youth organisation I'm
  involved with, see and were very pleased
  with it. I liked the non-commercial attitude very much and was
  very pleased with the technical aspects (packaging, smooth
  upgrades, open structure, etc).

  After using Debian some time I became more involved with it.
  Reporting bugs, following debian news, occasionally helping
  out on, etc. I also develop software
  professionally and privately and as an experiment started
  packaging new stuff as debian packages.

  Arthur maintains cvsd, and randomize-lines

Thanks to Pascal Hakim for compiling this listing.

Martin Michlmayr

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