* Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-14 13:39]:
> Do we need to do anything? The open use logo only says that it can be
> used when referring to Debian, not to demand a form of endorsement.

Right, the use of the open use logo for merchandise is perfectly valid
and generally welcome.

* Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-13 19:11]:
> Now, of course our open logo is free to use in this way [3] but I'm
> worried to see so many shops related to Debian. So, a few questions
> have popped up in my head: Which of these "shops" really endorse the
> Debian project? Some say they do, but do they really provide back a
> percentage of their sales as some claim? Should we publicly endorse
> one on our web page? (we provide links to many other thinks at the
> moment)

Anyone is allowed to sell Debian merchandise using the open use logo.
This does not imply endorsement by Debian.  As we like various people
distributing Debian CDs, people have generally liked the great
availability of Debian merchandise from different vendors.  I
personally think that's a good thing.  We don't require a percentage
of their sales to be given to Debian (this would classify as
"non-free" if done for software), but they are surely welcome to make
donations to the project.  We can certainly link to them from our web
page; just provide debian-www with a list.

What I said is about the open use logo which most people use.
Unfortunately, there is at least one shop (it was also mention in your
list (lojadebian), which uses the official logo; this is a clear
violation of the license.  I have sent a message to the owner of the
shop a couple of weeks ago, but have not received a reply yet.  I will
now send my message directly to cafeshops.com.

Martin Michlmayr

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