This is a summary of the AM report for Week Ending 16 Nov 2003.
3 applicants became maintainers.

Emanuele Rocca <ema>

  I am 20 years old, live in Genova, Italy and study Computer Science.

  I came to the free software in April 2000; my first distro was
  Caldera, then I switched to Slackware and after some problems with the
  installation procedure I finally installed Debian. I was impressed by
  Debian's technical superiority, as well as its philosophy and the
  community based development behind id.

  After some time, I decided to give back to the community. I started
  translating some pages of the web site and then moved on to helping
  with packages.

  Emanuele maintains manpages-ru, urlview, worklog, fortunes-it

Al Stone <ahs3>

  I've been working with software since I was about 15; but, that was
  _quite_ some time ago :).  The first program I ever did was in this
  new thing called BASIC and I had to put it on paper tape for storage.
  So, it's been a while.  And, I've made my living by writing software,
  for the last 27 years, doing everything from guidance algorithms in
  missiles, to accounting systems, to Unix(tm) kernel drivers.  Over the
  last 10 years or so, I've found myself specializing in high
  performance software -- algorithms and tools for computing quickly, or
  finding out why I'm not computing as quickly as I would like.  I would
  like to be able to contribute back to the world my experience and
  knowledge in these areas.  I've been able to make a good life out of
  working with software; it is only fair and right that I contribute
  back to the community that made it all possible (that's the Social
  Contract and "why I _need_ to volunteer" part, in my mind).

  About 1999, when HP started getting more heavily involved in Linux, as
  soon as I could I volunteered to be part of the HP organization.  I've
  been there ever since.  The idea that someone would actually *pay* me
  to work with the stuff that I'd been playing with at home was far too
  attractive :-).  We have quite a few Debian developers in this part of
  HP, so that's where I first learned about the Debian distribution, and
  have been hooked ever since.

  More specifically, I'd like to contribute to Debian several
  performance tools that I know and use (pfmon, oprofile and prospect,
  for example), as well as apply those tools to the bits and pieces that
  make up Debian.  For example, I've been looking into binutils and
  where the various tools in the package spend their time; improving gcc
  is also a target for me.

  Al maintains libpfm, pfmon

Alexander Wirt <formorer>

  My name is Alexander Wirt I'm 24 and I live in Wilhelmshaven in the
  north of Germany. Currently I'm a member of the german navy. But I
  look forward to the end of my period of service in the next year. In
  my free time I assist small companys in migrate to Unix/Linux and
  administer their machines. I learned eletronic technican with a
  specialisation for information technologies like Computers and

  I get my first experiences with Linux in 1996 where I worked as an
  (windows) admin for a cybercafe. I had to build a router for our cafe
  and my boss gave me an old Suse Linux and a Computer with a modem. 3
  hours later the router was ready for work. This was the beginning of a
  big love :). Next day I removed my Windows and installed my first
  Linux.  A half year later I detected that Suse sucks and started with
  Helloween a localised Red Hat. The next 2 years I learned Perl,
  Python, Shell, a little Bit C and alle the stuff you need for running
  a Linux system.  Then I started for a 2 year experience with OpenBSD
  what was very satisfyingly for me. There I learned much about security
  and doing things on a manual basis. In 2000 I had a small seminar
  about programming C and C++ under Linux. My tutor there was Hartmut
  Koptein, alias Hagggie, a very early Debian Developer. He showed me
  the world of Debian. 3 Weeks later my main Machine was running under
  Debian.  Over the next 3 years I had very much fun with debian and now
  I think its time to give something back. Beside of the Computer itself
  I'm very interested in contributing free software, so I'm a member of
  the ffis an association for free software founded by Martin "Joey"
  Schulze and I participate also on several events for free software
  like the cebit or the hamburger computer tage. This year I look
  forward for the Linuxtag and the Debconf in Oslo.

  Alexander maintains fisg, mp3burn, pytone, selflinux

Thanks to Pascal Hakim for compiling this listing.

Martin Michlmayr

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