On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 12:32:43PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 12:05:32PM +0100, Stephan Austerm?hle wrote:
> > ...
> debian-news should be subscribed by everybody remotely interested in
> Debian.

Yes, but quite some people simply don't.  Hard to change.
> > Right, they access www.debian.org and try to find a status note. It
> > can't be that difficult to put a note on the webserver manually even
> > without tool support. 
> The problem is that we don't have 'the' webserver. We have a couple of
> dozen mirrors, running www.debian.org in a dozen languages.
> So manually changing 'the' www.debian.org does not help at all, as all
> the other servers will not get that information.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] host www.debian.org
www.debian.org has address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] host domain name pointer gluck.debian.org.

I guess most people not knowing a lot about Debian and how it provides
news etc, and who usually don't visit Debian webpages and read
mailinglists, will check out www.debian.org. So it only needs someone
with www-data (or whatever) access to gluck to change www.debian.org,
the site MOST people will be looking at.

Indeed, not everyone, mirrors are not updated, but most people are smart
enough if something is not responding to check the authoritive site,
especially just before they mail, and that happens to be www.debian.org
(and it is quite logical to think so).

And if they don't they will get a feeling of 'oops, I'm stupid' if they
are pointed to www.debian.org, rather than a ML archive, in which case
they thing `oh, I'd never have found that, good I asked'.

> > The primary source for information today is a web server, not a
> > mailinglist! 
> Not for the Debian project, sorry.

Where is that stated?
But anyway, fixing www.debian.org will IMHO prevent quite some
questions, despite everything.


Jeroen van Wolffelaar
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (also for Jabber & MSN; ICQ: 33944357)

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